how can it be said any other way:
the sadness of deep unanswered love makes even the stars drop like flies in mourning -- why must it be so? eroding the heart of he who was brave and foolish enough to open it canyons of unfulfillment keep him company instead of the woman that enchanted him the whole world seems to him barren as his chest turns to ash and blows away upon unforgiving winds this is how youth's dreams come to die he crawls into a cave to lick his wound not daring to return under the sun lest the world curse him again with the sight of a fair magic woman his own solitude becomes intimate company darkness the most unconditional embrace adopted by the peace of being broken as the world forgets his name, his face there, a thousand years pass in a day and a day may last a thousand years there, nobody can be certain is it death or unknown shapes of god hiding in the thick brooding shadows whomever it may be I am theirs (december 2020) |